Get the most out of your Digital Marketing

With our Total Digital Marketing packages, we always try and make sure that our clients are getting the most of their work time. Sometimes this can just be changes to the website, suggestions over email and the phone, or a big campaign for your business.

One of the great things about our Digital Marketing packages is that they can include all this work and more! We have some clients that plan to run big campaigns, tell us what they want out of it and what users should be looking at on their website, and we do the rest!
Doing some campaigns mean we have to use a lot of resources and online systems to get together a big sales campaign push for a clients business.

Big campaigns like that can utilise some search engine optimisation tactics of putting keywords in to the pages with products for sale on, and then looking at setting up Facebook and Adwords campaigns to promote the site, using these keywords.

It can then be posted on the business’s Facebook page, which can be managed and monitored by us as part of your Digital Marketing package, to drive more people in to look at the site.

Email Marketing can then also be very useful from getting people to sign up on the website using pop-up’s or embedded signup forms. From these you then have a list of people who are interested in what you can deliver, and you can target some emails to them about the promotion your business is putting on.

By using a mix of these different digital marketing services, we then have a campaign that should hopefully drive in traffic to your site, give them a subject to be interested in, have them sign up to you email list for more information and then keep reminding them of your website and promotions/subject with emails and even some remarketing adverts. It seems like a lot, but it’s all part of what we are happy to offer!

We also analyse the statistics that go along with your entire campaign, so you can know what parts worked better than others, and how many people interacted with any part of your campaign.

We are currently doing this kind of campaign with a Caravan Park in Wales where we set up and are now maintaining an entire campaign using all of these services. There are also many other campaigns that we are looking after such as competitions and offers on websites, each using a different amount of resources.

Take a look at our Total Digital Marketing packages to see if we can help manage this for you, and get the most out of your digital marketing!

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