How To Get Your Visitors Back

Remarketing is a tool that big and small businesses alike use to get customers to come back to their website. It keeps what they have previously looked at online in the back of their minds, and incites them to come back to the website.

Have you ever looked on Amazon for a look at a new cooling fan for your room, and days later you notice the cooling fan is being advertised on websites as you go, following you around that internet? That is Remarketing.

It is used by Facebook and Google advertising to find users who have been on the website and looked at products or services recently, and then reminds them of the items that were thinking about, being a constant reminder that they should come back to the website and take another look at it.

It can seem annoying, some people even find it creepy to have adverts always knowing what you’ve been doing – but it still works.

Some decisions take a long time to decide on, like planning a holiday abroad for instance. If you look on a website for a holiday to Costa Rica you won’t be looking to book a hotel and flight package straight away, you want time to think.

Having adverts reminding you ‘Holidays to Costa Rica are available at examplecostaricaholidaywebsite.web’ makes sure you remember you were searching for this before, and reminding you to come back and make a decision later on.

Its adverts getting into your head, nudging you to revisit the website, take another look, why not? It’s so easy, you don’t even have to do another search, just click on the link and you’ll be right back, ready to make the purchase in no time.

Remarketing is working, we have helped out clients in the past and currently on remarketing campaigns, getting people to re-visit the website for a new offer or to carry on with their abandoned shopping basket. By not taking on remarketing, you can be missing out on a lot of potential customers who did want to buy your products or services, but who closed their computer and forgot about it, or needed more time to think before they came back.

Don’t let them just forget you! Nudge them back with non-intrusive adverts and watch customers happily continue and finish shopping with you.

We offer Remarketing in our Facebook Advertising Management, our Pay Per Click Advertising or in our Total Digital Marketing packages.

If you would like to contact us we can see how we can help you.

If you want to really effectively look after your customers from the start to the end of their purchasing experience, you should really be looking at Remarketing as a tool to help them through to the end.

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