Should you upgrade to Windows 10?

Windows 10 officially launched yesterday and is free (normally £99) for a year for those upgrading from Windows 7, or the dreadful Windows 8! We recommend that you do upgrade if you have Windows 8 as this is in our opinion a really poor version of Windows. See this article on what is wrong with Windows 8.

Initial reports from a hardware retailer who is demonstrating Windows 10 say that there are quite a few bugs at the moment so you may want to wait a few weeks until Windows has ironed them out.

Why did Windows jump from Windows 8 to 10?

There are many theories about this but they range from the number being unlucky in some countries to the number not being grand enough for what will be the last ever version of Windows. In reality the reason is probably more boring than that. Many coders wrote code that checked for Windows 95 and 98 by stating that the Windows version began with 9. This could cause problems.

So, what is new with Windows 10?

Windows 10 builds on the touch features in Windows 8 but blends this with the proper Start button that everyone missed! Better security, faster, a new browser and Cortana which is an excellent virtual assistant are some of the main features.

How to upgrade to Windows 10

Windows 10 started rolling out on 29th July 2015 by means of a Windows update where you requested to upgrade when available. The staged roll out means that you may not get it straight away.


It really is up to you, but at InSynch we will be upgrading all of our PCs to Windows 10 over the next few weeks.

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