Twitter Now Lets You Do More With 140 Characters

While Twitter might not be for everyone, Businesses that do use it are sure to have found frustration when adding an attachment, image or video that takes the post over the 140 character limit. This usually leads to shortening sentences, removing punctuation or spending time thinking of a shorter word that will work instead of another.pexels-photo-58639-large

There has been much talk about Twitter deciding to remove the character limit in the past, Twitter has always been reluctant to do so as they have made their name as a social network by using short and sweet posts.

Finally from this week adding an attachment, video, photograph or GIF will no longer take a bite out of your all important 140 characters meaning less time spent fiddling with your tweet and more effective business promotion, Even better still twitter has now removed usernames from the character limit – Interacting with your customers has now become even easier and painless.

Many business owners don’t like social media and therefore refuse to use it, But when used in the correct way for business it can become a very powerful tool. If you would like learn how to effectively put social media to work for your business then look no further than attending one of our courses courses.