Which Social Media Platform Is Best For Your Business?

Finding that your efforts on Social Media are reaching the wrong audience? Or maybe not reaching anyone at all? It’s time you consider which Social Media platform is best for your business! After all, if you’re a Solicitor your target audience wouldn’t expect to find you on TikTok…

Keep reading to discover the demographics you’ll find on each of the key Social Media platforms in the UK. Once you’ve identified your platform, why not join us on our next FREE Social Media Strategy webinar and make sure you’re hitting the ground running!


At the end of last year, over 51 million Facebook users were recorded in the UK, representing around 74% of the UK’s entire population. The largest age category recorded on the platform is 25 to 34 year old’s, however, the over 50’s achieve the highest engagement rate, with Women accounting for 52.5%. If your business’ target demographic sits in line with these statistics, Facebook is the place to be!


In 2021 Instagram released data that suggested 80% of UK users followed at least one business profile online, indicating a need for users to be able to interact with their favourite brands. Statistically, 60% of actively engaged Instagram users are 18 to 30 years old and are predominantly female, spending an average of 53 minutes per day on the app. For brands targeting these demographics and looking to actively engage and inspire their community, Instagram is certainly a platform to be involved with!


TikTok is the fastest growing Social Media platform of this decade, achieving 1 million downloads a month in the UK. As a dynamic video platform that demands full-screen attention from its viewers, this platform works best for brands who actively capture video content as opposed to standard photography. The largest age group found on TikTok in the UK is 15-25 year olds, with beauty, lifestyle and fashion brands finding the most success in 2021.


As of October 2021, Twitter had 19 million active users in the UK however the average time spent on the app was just 4 minutes – a huge difference from Instagram. With this in mind, making an impact and grasping attention on Twitter is significantly harder than on other Social Media platforms. Men account for up to 60% of users in the UK, with the most engaging topics of the platform including news and sports.


A professional platform created to engage and network with other business owners and managers. In the UK, 79% of active users were 25-54 years old and primarily described as ‘office’ workers. This platform is best suited to businesses that work directly with other businesses offering products and services. Want to learn more? Join us on our next FREE LinkedIn webinar and understand what it takes to get the most out of this platform.

Now you’ve nailed down the platforms your business should be active on, it’s time to find a Social Strategy that works. Book in a FREE 1-2-1 consultation with our Social Media expert and learn all of our insider tips and tricks now!

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