Forget Christmas – your business should be planning for January right now!

I have discussed before how to use Google Trends to time your marketing activities. In the retail and artisan business, your peaks are most certainly in the run up to Christmas.

However, if you are in any of the following sectors/industries, you should be planning for a campaign right now to get the most out of January.

  • Tourism
  • Solicitors
  • Wedding related services
  • Home furnishing
  • Plumbing and Heating
  • Training
  • Recruitment
    …and many more!

Why? Well quite simply because January is an important peak in the interest in these sectors and therefore you need to plan and implement a digital marketing strategy in order to get the most out of this period and get your slice of the pie. In January, your marketing will be so much more effective as people are more predisposed to be looking for your product or service.

Have a look at these charts below which show the search trends for phrases on Google Analytics. All charts show the trend over 2015 for different search phrases.

We have many meetings booked in December with clients to plan detailed marketing strategies for January. Please don’t wait until after Christmas to plan what you are going to do. Or even worse just wait and see what happens.

We have many ways we can work with clients to advise and implement successful digital marketing campaigns. Just contact us and we will come and see you to discuss.

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