Threads Vs. X: Which Platform Should You be Using in a Social Media Strategy?

The X and Threads website logos superimposed over a social media consultancy session
There has been lots of change within the world of social media, with the launch of Threads by Meta and the rebranding of Twitter to 𝕏. As a business, you are probably wondering which platform, if any, you should include in your social media and content marketing strategy. Keep reading, as we unpick the details to help you make a decision. Or, to discuss your strategy in more detail, book a free 1-2-1 with one of our social media consultants.

Twitter Rebrands to 𝕏

You may have noticed that the well-known logo of Twitter has been replaced, and is now known as ‘𝕏’. The name change comes with the platform’s new vision, to further change the way we communicate with each other. According to 𝕏’s CEO, he plans to make it a β€œglobal marketplace for ideas, goods, services, and opportunities.” There have been several significant changes since Elon Musk bought the platform. Such as:
  • The ‘X Premium’ (formerly ‘Twitter Blue’) subscription feature
  • Algorithm changes that affect content discovery
  • Limiting how much content unregistered users can see and browse
Amongst many other changes that are affecting the demographics and user experience of the website. Our social media consultants are certain there will be more features and changes as time progresses, necessitating an approach to the platform that is well thought out. We cannot rule out the possibility of more changes on the platform that could be detrimental to your marketing efforts.  

Meta Launches Threads

The Threads app has been created by Meta’s Instagram team as an alternative to 𝕏 and to create a positive space for people to share their ideas. Threads and 𝕏 are very similar in layout and function, though with subtle differences. For example, users need an Instagram account to use Threads. Essentially, users are intended to express their views, opinions, and interests in a micro-blogging format. Does Threads pose a threat to 𝕏? Many social media users see Threads as an alternative to 𝕏, for those unhappy with the changes to 𝕏’s user experience and have flocked to it for that reason. At this stage so early in its lifecycle, it’s difficult to make an accurate prediction.  

Which Social Media Platform is Right For You?

Remember, you should only invest your time in a social media platform if it is right for your business. If your audience is not using that platform, then dedicating extra resources to market there may not be in your best interests. Let’s take a look at the audience and content types to see if Threads or 𝕏 is most appropriate for your brand.  

Is X Right for Your Content Marketing Strategy?

Statistics from Sprout Social show that 𝕏 is most popular with people aged between 25 and 34. It’s a fast-moving platform for people to express their opinions. Posts are short and snappy, so don’t be afraid to post more frequently alongside trending topics. For years, this website has provided an opportunity for B2C brands to create conversations with their customers. 32% of brands utilise 𝕏 for customer service, thanks to the real-time nature of the platform. That’s not to say it can’t be effective for B2B. 𝕏 makes it easy to find topics that relate to your business – why not join in the conversation with thought leadership content or helpful advice?  

Is Your Audience on Threads?

Threads is designed for the younger generation, with 18-24 year olds leading the way. This platform has been created for fun conversations with friends, but brands are also using Threads to show an informal and casual side to their business. It’s proving to be a great tool for building rapport with consumers, developing brand awareness and increasing engagement. Threads’ biggest win right now is that there is currently no advertising. This means that organic posts are not being suppressed in favour of sponsored content. Therefore, people’s posts are seeing more engagement. A recent study by Neil Patel shows that, on average, a post on Threads will generate:
  • 31.4 likes, compared to 4.9 on 𝕏.
  • 4.3 comments per post, compared to 0.4 on 𝕏.
B2C brands appear to be having the most success on the platform so far. We have seen many household names, such as Marmite, Aldi and Channel 4, draw upon relatable experiences to engage with their audiences.  

Sign up for our free social media course

To learn more about how best to utilise Threads and 𝕏 for your business, register for a free consultation. In this, one of our digital marketing specialists will explore how to adapt your strategy for these platforms and answer any questions you have.
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