You’re Not Ranking on Google… So What?

An SEO agency worker holding their head in their hands next to a laptop

Search engine optimisation is one of the fundamental digital marketing strategies when launching a website. It’s cost-effective and can deliver results for years after implementation. 

But, what if you have optimised your website and are not seeing the results you hoped for? Seeing poor ranking results and low website traffic can feel frustrating after investing resources into SEO, but it’s not the only way to drive visitors to your website.

Here at InSynch, we believe that SEO should be an element of a wider digital marketing strategy – not the be-all and end-all. A holistic strategy that includes other tactics will ensure your customers reach your site without relying on search engines alone. 

In this blog post, we will explore local optimisation, PPC marketing, email marketing and more ways to help you skyrocket your results. And if you ever need further help to optimise your website, we have UK SEO agency experts on hand for a free consultation.


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Try Local SEO for Your Services

So you might not be ranking across the UK, but you could potentially rank for your local areas. This is useful for businesses that provide services to a set area or have a shop set up in said area. Optimise your Google My Business, use keywords with locations, have content set up for your service locations, and you’re sure to rank on the local side of things.


Local SEO Tip

If you run a blog, publish content based on your local and service areas. This shows search engines you’re both updating your website and that you’re relevant to the area you’re targeting.


Drive Website Traffic with Paid Ads on Google & Bing

Google and Bing can work extremely effectively alongside SEO. Running paid search campaigns (also known as PPC marketing) will help you achieve a prominent position on the search engine results pages while you’re waiting for your organic results to climb the ranks. 

Select a combination of keywords that are relevant to your business and create a series of compelling headlines to generate clicks. Do this right, and you can get your brand in front of your customers at the time when they are most engaged and actively searching for your product or service. 

Plus, if your advertising accounts are run effectively, you can increase website traffic and generate more conversions without a large price tag. 


PPC Marketing Tip

If you see success with your Google Ads, why not try Bing as well? As this search engine is less frequently used compared to Google, fewer clicks are to be expected, but results can cost far less too. Bing Ads are useful if you have an older audience, and you may see an extra source of revenue for a good return on ad spend. Plus, you can import your Google Ads straight into Bing – it’s quick and simple! Interested in trialling Paid Ads for your business but unsure where to start? Get in touch with our PPC marketing experts today.


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Reach Your Target Audience with Paid Social Ads

Traffic campaigns on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram can be extremely powerful. Precise audience targeting combined with eye-catching, tailor-made ad creatives will generate website traffic from people who have a genuine interest in your brand. Meta also offers a range of ad optimisation tools that can be used to ensure your ads are always delivered to users who are most likely to convert. 


Paid Socials Tip

Also consider running a remarketing campaign across Facebook and Instagram to target your previous website visitors. As consumers often require multiple touchpoints with a business before they convert, this ad type will keep your product or service in the forefront of their minds. You can also try including an incentive in this advert to create extra appeal. Want to get started with paid socials? Speak to our experts to see how we can help.


Reach an Engaged Audience With Email Marketing

Email marketing is another great method of driving website traffic. What makes it even better, is that your email subscribers should already be engaged with your brand. 

Use email marketing to tease your customers with new products, enticing offers, and useful information to generate click-throughs to your website. Make sure your email template is engaging, with a mix of compelling copy, attractive imagery and most importantly, call-to-action buttons.


Email Marketing Tip

A monthly blog about topics that your audience is searching for online can form the structure of a monthly newsletter, which will drive your subscribers back to your website to read more and complete a booking. For example, if you were a holiday accommodation company, you could write a blog about the best attractions in your local area and send it to your subscribers. If you need support with creating an effective Email Marketing strategy, book a 1-2-1 with our experts to learn more.


Build a Community With an Organic Social Media Strategy 

The role of organic social media is mostly to build brand awareness and increase engagement with your audience within the platform, as opposed to driving large volumes of website traffic. 

That being said, it is still recommended to have a consistent presence across social media to grow an online community that is highly engaged with your brand. By doing so, your followers will know exactly what they want, and exactly how to contact you when they are ready to make a purchase or enquire about your services.


Social Media Strategy Tip

Create a social media schedule at the beginning of the month to ensure you are consistently drip-feeding content to your audience. Trial different post types to see what works best with your audience, this may be video content, product imagery, graphics or even memes! Test, test, test and then do more of what works!


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Have You Tried Conversion Rate Optimisation?

Generating website traffic is all well and good – but is your website set to drive conversions? Your website landing pages must have the following elements, all of which are designed to guide the visitor through their conversion journey:

  • Concise and engaging copy
  • A simple but effective layout and design 
  • High-quality images
  • Testimonials or reviews 
  • Clear and enticing calls-to-action

Website Conversions Tip

Have a look at our blog about how to create a successful landing page or get in touch with us to enquire about our conversion rate optimisation services.


Skyrocket Your Results With a Holistic Digital Marketing Strategy

So, although SEO is an essential part of any Digital Marketing strategy, it’s important to consider the benefits of using multiple online channels to drive traffic to your website. 

Plus, increasing website traffic is a green tick to search engines like Google, no matter which channel it came from. More visits will positively impact your page rankings, as long as other elements such as page speed, good levels of engagement, and a user-friendly web design are also in place. 

If you still require support, contact our UK SEO agency to see how we can support you with our Total Digital Marketing packages. We’ve also just launched our Essential Digital Marketing package! This package is designed to provide marketing for small businesses as well as training to help them grow. We know the struggles of trying to rank organically on search engines when you’re managing a small website, which is why we included a number of expert guides with this package to help you rank in your own time.


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