How Digital Marketing is Changing Business

It’s safe to say that no industry has undergone more disruption and transformation as has marketing. As a society, it was expected that the turn of the 21st century would bring about monumental change given the prevalence of new and increasingly fast technologies. What was quite unprecedented after the rise of the internet was the impact that the digital revolution would have on business models and the scope for fresh marketing opportunities.

Gone are the days where print advertising, television, radio, and visually invasive billboards dominated the industry, with many businesses swivelling the lens of their marketing strategies to focus on implementing digitalised content. In fact a relatively recent affair, the last decade has seen the inception of enhanced social media connectivity, in particular channels of instant communication, an emphasis on data and analytics where consumer behaviours can be tracked and personalised, and not least, a rise in eCommerce marketplaces.

Life in the Fast Lane

Now more than ever, businesses are not only feeling inclined to adapt to the ever-evolving industry but are finding themselves forced to acclimatise to new ways of thinking when it comes to promoting their business, primarily for fear of falling behind. Although a rather ill-defined phrase, the “digital transformation” is all about efficiency and being able to keep up with an industry that shifts and alters its tactics and directions at an alarmingly fast pace. It’s a fragile territory at the best of times, and with more and more companies taking up an online presence, the challenge presents itself to businesses as a struggle to remain relevant in what is already an overcrowded market.

Digital marketing is one of the most time-efficient solutions to get your message out to the correct audience. Going digital minimises delays, and very much aligns you with a society that seeks instant gratification when it comes to getting results. Whether publishing an article, setting up a targeted Google advertising campaign, or engaging with a Facebook community, the yield on marketing investments is simply a click away.

Driven By Data

If we cast our thoughts back to a pre-digital marketing world, it goes without saying that it was extremely difficult, if not impossible, to generate actionable data from traditional methods of marketing; be it a magazine feature or billboard campaign. At the advent of analytics, businesses found themselves becoming increasingly agile in terms of collecting and comprehending data, allowing them to better learn the behaviours of users based on demographics. Being able to maintain analysis on a website changed the game in terms of optimising content and refocusing marketing strategies with engaged users in mind.

Reduced Costs and a Level Playing Field

Online marketing has been received in a positive light for many businesses given its rewarding of focused efforts as opposed to which companies have the biggest marketing budgets. With reduced expenditure on traditional advertising, digital marketing is the most cost-effective solution when it comes to promoting your business. In a way, digital marketing has helped to level the playing field in a highly saturated and competitive market.

For instance, for as little as £1.00 a day, businesses can use Facebook pixel to set up remarketing campaigns on Facebook and Instagram. With relatively minimal cost and effort, companies can target an engaged audience who have already taken some form of action on their website to ensure the best possible return on investment.

The World Locks Down and E-Commerce Booms

Even the most steadfast and diehard supporters of traditional marketing methods have been forced to re-evaluate their alignment with digital approaches at the arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic. Of all the hardships and tribulations lockdown has evoked for businesses, the prior challenge for companies globally has been to pivot their business models to incorporate all things digital. For some, this could mean interrogating entirely unexplored angles of their business with an enhanced e-commerce focus, perhaps even transforming what were initially services websites into fully-fledged transactional content management systems.

Simply put, businesses have had to change the way they do business as a result of the new digital age. Building successful marketing campaigns that are relevant to your business in 2021 necessitates the use of digital platforms, but we understand it can often be overwhelming when confronted with all the tools to do so.

Get started today and book your free 30 minute 121 consultation with one of our digital marketing specialists to see how your company can benefit from a niche digital marketing strategy.