Your Google Analytics Account Is Wasting Your Time

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You’ve likely heard over and over again that you have to have a google analytics account before you do anything with digital marketing – most likely on one of our digital marketing strategy webinars or in a 1-2-1 consultation with us. Well, unless you’re looking at the results then your account may be a complete waste of time.

Look at the results

It’s all well and good to have the analytics account set up, but if you don’t look at the results then the whole set-up process is a waste of time. When you do something new in your marketing, whether it’s setting up and trying out TikTok ads, or using a google ads voucher to set up an account and running a small campaign – whatever it is, if you’re not going back to analytics to see what’s happened – you’ll only ever get half of the story. Even just a quick glance into the most important page on analytics (in our opinion) can give you some great insights into your new marketing strategy.

Do something with the information

If you are looking at analytics – do you do anything with that information? Is it simply a box-ticking exercise to gather some stats and put them in a report that will sit in an inbox for a few days? If so – that time spent was a waste. When you look at the results, try and piece together something to od from it. Have you noticed that when you send out an email every other friday that the traffic spikes and the next Monday you get lots of calls and enquiries – if so why not move your newsletter day to Monday morning to try and catch people when they’re around? Did you get a sudden influx of people visiting your website when you had an article in a local newspaper? If so, why not look at more PR and influencer opportunities to bring in your target market.

You don’t need to have a detailed understanding of every piece of information in analytics to get a good idea of what’s working and what doesn’t work – and what you should do more of!

Get reports sent to you

The best time saving tip in analytics that will help you keep on top of both of those suggested above is getting reports sent to you regularly – then you lose no time in trying to find the information or to carve out time to ask what the password to the shared account is (which is a very common problem!) Just get the informative reports sent to you on a weekly, monthly, quarterly or even daily basis! No more hunting around for where you were looking last time, just a simple PDF that can trigger some analysis or reminds you to look at analytics and do something with it.

Google analytics isn’t there to waste your time, it’s there to be used and analysed. If you’re stuck on reading your analytics account and feel like it’s really a waste of your time – talk to one of the team to see how we can help improve your analysis and digital marketing strategy

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